Ghanaian couple resident in the UK welcomes third consecutive set of twins (photos)
Abigail and her husband Shaibu Abu-Adama have welcomed their fifth and sixth children, after she gave birth to her third consecut...
Abigail and her husband Shaibu Abu-Adama have welcomed their fifth and
children, after she gave birth to her third consecutive set of twins.
The couple, both 30, already had four children and was surprised when
they found out they are expecting another pair of twins.
"We thought we were done with two sets, and then all of a sudden I
realised I was pregnant again; it was a big shock and I cried because I
was not expecting it." Abigail, who gave birth at Bradford Royal Infirmary
told The Telegraph.
"The doctors cannot believe our run of twins, they ask if we
have had any fertility treatment but we have had none at all. I think
three sets of twins is enough for now; my husband wants to
go for names that have something to do with giving thanks, but we have
not made any decisions yet."
Their other sets of twins are Ohene and Ohenewa, four, and Okese and Nana-Oye, one and a half.
"The other kids are so happy to have two new baby sisters and could not wait to see them for the first time." She added.
Mrs Adama said that all the nurses and midwives at the Women's and
Newborn Unit at BRI were shocked to find out it was her third set of
"They all wanted to come and see me and the babies, and said I should be in the Guinness Book of Records," she said.
Mr Abu-Adama, who works as a customer service advisor in Leeds, said
that the whole family was feeling blessed, and while at first it came as
a shock they are all now very happy and full of joy.
"The doctors cannot believe our run of twins, they ask if we
have had any fertility treatment but we have had none at all. The other
children have been telling their friends at Fearnville School about
their new sisters and said they look gorgeous."
The couple moved to the UK from Ghana in 2010, then moved from Slough
to Bradford in 2013. She said that she probably won't want any more
children following this
pregnancy, and that she and her husband are still trying to think of
names for their newborns.
"I think three sets of twins is enough for now; my husband
wants to go for names that have something to do with giving thanks, but
we have not made any decisions yet."