We are Making Progress in Eliminating Hunger – Jonathan
President Goodluck Jonathan has declared that the country is making progress in eliminating hunger because for the first time since the...
President Goodluck Jonathan has declared that the country is making
progress in eliminating hunger because for the first time since the
Global Hunger Index of the International Food Policy Research Institute
has been published, Nigeria is making steady progress.
In a Facebook Post yesterday, the President said “As President, my goal
is to work hard so that no citizen is hungry. We are making progress in
eliminating hunger.
“The report from GHI corroborates our own records which show that our
food import bill has reduced from 1.1 Trillion Naira in 2009 to 634
Billion Naira in 2014 and falling.
“We are not only reducing hunger in our nation, we are also reducing our
dependence on foreign nations for our food security while at the same
time creating wealth at the grass roots of Nigeria.”