
PDP Lists Out the 'Lies' in Buhari's Certificate + My Opinion

I think instead of spending unreasonable time trying to prove who is wrong and/or who is right, who has a certificate and who doesn't, o...

I think instead of spending unreasonable time trying to prove who is wrong and/or who is right, who has a certificate and who doesn't, our politicians should concentrate on finding the needs of the people and meeting it. Jonathan says Buhari doesn't have a certificate, Buhari tries to prove him wrong by providing the certificate. PDP circling out the lies and all that, Buhari saying trash about Jonathan, Jonathan calling Buhari names; all these are childish to me. How are we so sure you guys can even lead us right. I sometimes feel we live in a nation where the followers are wiser than the leaders. Don't show us your certificate, stop cussing yourselves out. Show us what you can do, what you have done, show us your plans, tell us why we should vote for you. We need responsible leaders, not some children in a grown man's body trying to prove what doesn't count.

It is not about APC or PDP, nor about Buhari or Jonathan, it is about what WE (Nigerians) want. And what do we want? A responsible and competent president who has the interest of the people in his mind above every other thing. Someone who will fight corruption, who will bring an end to the Boko Haram insurgency, who will stabilize our economy. If the cap fits Jonathan, let him wear it, if it fits Buhari, let him. Let the best man win come February 14.

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