
Gravely ill Plane Passenger Hospitalized in New Jersey with Ebola Symptoms

A plane passenger has been hospitalized in New Jersey after landing at Newark airport from an Ebola-affected country. According to CNN, the ...

A plane passenger has been hospitalized in New Jersey after landing at Newark airport from an Ebola-affected country. According to CNN, the unnamed passenger who traveled to America on a United Airlines flight on Monday afternoon is being kept for observation overnight at Hackensack University Medical Center. A spokeswoman said that they had taken the steps as a matter of caution.

The passenger had become ill on a flight that arrived in Newark from Brussels on Monday afternoon. Luke Punzenberger, a spokesman for United told CNN: 'After arriving at Newark airport from Brussels, medical personnel met a United flight to assist an ill passenger on board. Passengers and crew stayed on the plane until the medical personnel cleared the aircraft.'It is not thought that the passenger put any of the other passengers at risk during the flight.

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