
My Wife cries when I'm not around-Basketmouth

Bright Okpocha known as Basket Mouth recently opened up to Encomium magazine on the low moments of his marriage and how he overcomes them.. ...

Bright Okpocha known as Basket Mouth recently opened up to Encomium magazine on the low moments of his marriage and how he overcomes them..

Whatare the low moments of your marriage, and how have you been able to manage?

Mine is different because of my job. The low moments are times when she would cry because I wasn’t around. These times has been difficult for us. There was a time I travelled out of Nigeria for two months. Although during the period, I came to Nigeria three times, and when I was about leaving the next day, she was crying profusely.

How do you make-up?

Gifts. And whenever I am in the country, we have fun together. Like now, she’s here with me. She follows me to everywhere I go. I am also a houseboy, whenever I’m home, I do not leave the house. I spend every moment with my family; my wife and the kids.

What are those chores you do at home that people don’t expect?

I cook. I try, I can’t really say I’m a good cook. But I cook for my family.

Advice to other couples

I’m not that experienced to start giving advice to older people but, everything centres on love and understanding in every relationship. Look at our parents, after 30-40 years of marriage, they are still together. Then, you ask yourself, what are they doing right? What are they doing wrong? Then, you find out that they are patient and tolerant. Our parents are tolerant but children of today are not. We’re more materiali-stic, no genuine love. I think, we should learn from our parents. If not that my dad had passed on; he would still be married. Don’t just marry somebody because she’s pretty or she’s from a rich family.

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