
Who would get crowned as king of Igbo High life?

Morgan Entertainment, Nigeria’s foremost record label has a battle at hand, as it tries to bring you the best of High life music. Onyinye O...

Morgan Entertainment, Nigeria’s foremost record label has a battle at hand, as it tries to bring you the best of High life music. Onyinye Osadebe and Onyenze Amobi are battling over who gets crowned as the new king of IgboHighlife.

Prince Emeka Morocco Maduka, the king of Egwu Ekpili in Igbo land &the governor of performance musicians Association (PMAN) South East favours Onye Nze Amobi as the new king of Igbohighlife, while the late prophet Ozoemena Nsugbe, father of Igbo music and the High lifeking prophesied that Onyinye Osadebe the son of late Chief Osita Osadebe as the nexthighlifeking while he was alive. Continue...

Both artistes are set to release their debut singles in the coming week.

It would be recalled that Prophet Ozoemena Nsugbe was also signed to Morgan Entertainment. Who would wear the crown? This is a revival of IgboHighlifein its purest form. Stay Tuned.

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