Happy Birthday Tejiri Apepe
Thinking of you and the good times we spent make me smile! Happy birthday to a friend Who Made me Feel Special Yesterday Then Makes me Feel...
Thinking of you and the good times we spent make me smile! Happy birthday to a friend Who Made me Feel Special Yesterday Then Makes me Feel Lik I was The Most Unwanted Person Today.. Happy birthday to a friend who Made Me Think 0f Her Hundred Times A Day. I'm N0t Even Sure If She Thinks 0f Me 0nce A Day.!!! Happy birthday to a friend who Came Into my Life.. Showed me the Ways To Smile..And To Be Happy.. And, Leaves U Even Not Telling The Reason..! Happy birthday to a friend who was the Reason My World Fell Apart, You're The One Who Made Me Cry, Yet I'm Still In Love With You And I Don't Know Why..!! Happy birthday to a friend Whenever I Think Of her This Question Comes To My Mind Why Couldnt U Love Me Dear ? Im Still Thinking Of You. Happy birthday to a friend Which I Wish she was Mine.. Sometimes I Miss her A Lot.. And, When I Miss her.. I Just Close My Eyes.. And, I Am With her..! Happy birthday to a friend who is always close to my heart. #Happy birthday Cyber ChickH aka ventnaija follow him up ventnaija.blogspot.com