
The Ban on Gay Relations in Nigeria, is it RIGHT or WRONG???

Yesterday, the Nigerian president signed into law a new bill banning same sex relations in the country. Now lets take a critical look at t...

Yesterday, the Nigerian president signed into law a new bill banning same sex relations in the country.
Now lets take a critical look at this issue from a neutral viewpoint, do you think it is RIGHT or WRONG, considering that Nigeria has more pressing issues at hand? Also do you think the bill was a good one, considering the threat of widespread lynching of anyone suspected to be gay, as was seen in a video i shared with you all some time ago.
Finally, do you think the penalty of 14years was too stiff, that a less severe punishment should have been served? Mind you, lets discuss this with a neutral mindset.
For anyone who would quote the bible, please take a minute to think, if for example you were Jesus, the line of action you would take..

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